Sunday, January 24, 2010

Goat Protein Can Someone With A Cow Dairy Allergy Consume Goat Or Sheep Milk Products?

Can someone with a cow dairy allergy consume goat or sheep milk products? - goat protein

I'm going with milk! I do not know if I'm allergic to casein, a protein or beta or whatever its called. I've heard that milk proteins are very similar in fat cow and goat.


REACH Star said...

People with milk allergies can not have sheep or goat products.
If you have a milk allergy can be two ways to go.

1) You get soy milk can is of soy protein --
2) If you do not like soy milk can try Rice Dream, a product of milk is pressed, the juice ", which comes from rice.

I have an allergy to dairy and soy so for 13 years of my life I lived in Rice Dream, which is really good.

eloquent said...

I can not and could "die" with dairy products. To find substitutes and healthy and not his imagination that you believe that the products you need an alien species.

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